An Update, A Confession and an Apology…of Sorts

An Update, a Confession, and an Apology...of sorts.  @

Good morning! Happy Sunday and all that good stuff.

As many of you might have noticed, the blog is a little late today. In fact, many of you might have thought there wasn’t going to be one at all. Honestly, I thought that as well! But, in the end, I just couldn’t let the day pass without a single blurb on the blog.

Let’s talk updates, first.

As many of you know I write books. It’s what I do. And well, that’s kind of why we are in this jam today. I am currently writing my fourth novel, Redeemed, as well as a book about the history of my Fritchen family roots. Both are due out next year – Redeemed on May 1st and the other a few months later, so at the moment I am in the thick of it.

Which brings me to my confession…

I didn’t write a blog today because I am struggling with the ending of Redeemed. I had a choice to make this week. Work on the blog or get my novel finished. I just couldn’t do both.

It takes a lot of work to put together a blog post, and if I want to keep to my deadline on the book I have to get it finished before Christmas. My husband is taking the week off for the holiday, and so I would like to do the same, then in the New Year, I will be ready to dive into edits and rewrites and so on.

And now an apology, of sorts…

To those of you who have come to expect a Sunday devotional, I’m sorry that I couldn’t get it done for you today. But I promise I am doing my best to get one prepared for next week!

In the meantime, I will leave you with the following thoughts…

Today, make it a point to show someone just how much God loves them. Go out of your way to be a blessing to those around you, and in doing so, you’ll not only bless the people that surround you, but you will also bless God!

“This is how we know we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands.” 1 John 5:2

Be blessed today peeps! Talk to you next week!

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