What Does Surrender Look Like to You?

A friend of mine just asked this question on Facebook and it stopped me for a moment, made me pause and think. Something that I rarely seem to do, you know. Just think. Life is so very busy these days, and the world seems like it’s falling apart, but sometimes I need to stop, get… Continue reading What Does Surrender Look Like to You?

An Update, A Confession and an Apology…of Sorts

Good morning! Happy Sunday and all that good stuff. As many of you might have noticed, the blog is a little late today. In fact, many of you might have thought there wasn’t going to be one at all. Honestly, I thought that as well! But, in the end, I just couldn’t let the day… Continue reading An Update, A Confession and an Apology…of Sorts

Have You Ever Wondered How God Feels About His Creation?

I love writing. I do. There’s just something beautiful about putting words on the page. Writing brings a certain satisfaction to stringing together words that form a sentence, which leads to a thought, which leads to a bunch of thoughts that will eventually tell a story. It’s an even more amazing feeling to hold a… Continue reading Have You Ever Wondered How God Feels About His Creation?
