Be Careful Not to Sin because of Your Suffering

I’ve been reading the book of Job, and I’m reminded, again, of just how rough his life was. He was innocent in Satan’s game, just a pawn to make God look like a fool. But God had the last laugh. God knew Job’s heart. So confident was He that Job wouldn’t curse Him, God allowed… Continue reading Be Careful Not to Sin because of Your Suffering

I Marched in Protest of Maui’s Covid Mandate…Here’s Why You Should Protest Too.

Yesterday I marched in protest of Maui’s Covid-19 Mandate. Why? Because we live in America, the land of the free. Freedom is the cornerstone of America. It’s our right to choose, not because of the government, but because we are people, created by God. Our lives are not subject to tyrannical governments. We have the… Continue reading I Marched in Protest of Maui’s Covid Mandate…Here’s Why You Should Protest Too.

Failure is Not an Option…At Least That’s What I Tell Myself.

Failure is not an option. Or, at least that’s what I tell myself. But the truth is that I do fail, often, and hard. But the good news is that Jesus is okay with my failures. You see, it’s through my failures that I learn. Each mistake made, every misstep, is another opportunity to learn… Continue reading Failure is Not an Option…At Least That’s What I Tell Myself.

Don’t Judge Before Having All The Facts

Have you ever met someone who is a know-it-all? How about a busy-body? It often seems like there’s someone spouting off their opinions, or meddling in other’s business, under every rock you turn up! Sometimes getting to the bottom of things can be kind of tough, and forget about trying to make a clear decision… Continue reading Don’t Judge Before Having All The Facts
