Sinners Do What Sinners Do…So What’s It To Me?

I used to sing on the platform at a church I once attended. We were having a crusade of sorts, just a few services at a local community center with a guest speaker. He was an older gentleman, a popular preacher in our church circuit, so it was to be a treat. The second night… Continue reading Sinners Do What Sinners Do…So What’s It To Me?

If You Only Read One Article about God’s Will in Your Life, Read THIS One.

God’s will isn’t as complicated as I make it. I know, it seems like it should be because, well, HELLO, it is God’s will I’m talking about. But honestly, God doesn’t do complicated. I don’t have to jump through hoops to get it. I don’t have to spend hours at the church library to find… Continue reading If You Only Read One Article about God’s Will in Your Life, Read THIS One.

Finally! I Can Have an Attitude and Get Away with It!

What if I were to tell you that God wants you to pray? Pretty easy to do, right? You can handle that. In fact, I’m willing to bet that most Christ-followers have no problem with praying. It’s a pretty basic action that every Christian learns early on in their walk of Faith. Well, what if… Continue reading Finally! I Can Have an Attitude and Get Away with It!

The Day that Changed My Life

When I was in the 3rd grade I tried to take my life. Downing an assortment of pills, I expected to go to sleep and cease to exist, but all I got for my efforts was a massive headache and confirmation that I was truly a failure. Bullied at school, ignored at home, my childhood… Continue reading The Day that Changed My Life
