Dressing Up The Sludge In Our Lives Won’t Help With Being Thankful

When I turn my faucet on I expect fresh clean water to come out. If, instead, the water comes out brown and sludgy, would replacing the faucet fix it? No, probably not. You see, the pipes and knobs aren’t the problem. The problem with the water is deeper, something that would require a plumber to… Continue reading Dressing Up The Sludge In Our Lives Won’t Help With Being Thankful

If You Only Read One Article about God’s Will in Your Life, Read THIS One.

God’s will isn’t as complicated as I make it. I know, it seems like it should be because, well, HELLO, it is God’s will I’m talking about. But honestly, God doesn’t do complicated. I don’t have to jump through hoops to get it. I don’t have to spend hours at the church library to find… Continue reading If You Only Read One Article about God’s Will in Your Life, Read THIS One.

So. You’re Telling Me, I Need to Thank God, for the Bad Stuff in My Life…REALLY?

Life comes at you fast, doesn’t it? You’re chugging along, trying to juggle all the different areas of your life, and then BOOM, out of nowhere, life pulls the rug out from under you and all those carefully managed balls come crashing down on top of you. And there you sit, in the middle of… Continue reading So. You’re Telling Me, I Need to Thank God, for the Bad Stuff in My Life…REALLY?
