Hey Christian…You Need To Be More Like Nathon’s Truck.

My friend Nathon has a truck. But it’s not just any truck. It’s tiny. The steering wheel is on the right side. It’s unique. There isn’t another one like it on Front Street. Every day I watch countless people stop to marvel at it. They get up close, peer inside to check out the steering… Continue reading Hey Christian…You Need To Be More Like Nathon’s Truck.

Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?

Why yes…yes I did. Christian, do us all a favor and shut up once in a while. I know, I know, what you’re saying is important. I understand that you’re just speaking Truth, telling it the way it is. And I completely support the message, but, do you ever stop and listen to yourself? Last… Continue reading Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?

There Are NO Undercover Agents in the Kingdom of God

Some of God’s amazing creations are animals that are masters of disguise. They become undercover agents, hiding their true nature so expertly, blending into their surroundings so completely, that it can be difficult to find them. For example, take a look at the above picture. Look carefully, can you spot the animal? Did you know… Continue reading There Are NO Undercover Agents in the Kingdom of God
