Dear God…Are You Still There?

The nation of Israel had a bad habit. It was one that they struggled with throughout the centuries, and often, still struggle with today. Even though they have history written down, recorded for them to learn from, the Israelites were stubborn and often refused to change their ways. They routinely forgot about God. And if… Continue reading Dear God…Are You Still There?

6 Biblical Principles to Live By

So. I’ve been reading about King David, and recently found myself in the book of First Chronicles. It’s near the end of David’s reign and life, and he’s getting ready to give his son Solomon the kingdom so he can retire from leading the nation of Israel. In chapter 28, verses 9 and 10 David… Continue reading 6 Biblical Principles to Live By

Just a Sunday Morning…

Hello blogger peeps! Today’s blog post is nothing exciting, no great spiritual wisdom…it’s just a girl spilling her thoughts on the page. Sometimes I think that I have to have this great, all-encompassing wisdom filled post. But in reality, I really don’t, do I? I don’t always have to have a point when I write,… Continue reading Just a Sunday Morning…

Thanksgiving is More than a Day We Celebrate

So the Thanksgiving holiday has come and gone, and most of us are a few pounds heavier than we were a few days ago. In spite of government officials and Covid-19, most of us gathered together with our families to celebrate the day. For one beautiful day we gave thanks for our blessings, our family… Continue reading Thanksgiving is More than a Day We Celebrate

God Will Meet You Where You Stand.

This weekend was amazing. Nearly 300 women coming together to worship God, to fellowship, to spend time with not only each other but with Him. God spoke to me in so many ways it’s going to take me a few days, or weeks, to sort it all out. Not so much in a loud spectacular… Continue reading God Will Meet You Where You Stand.
