I spend a lot of time alone. Even before this crazy virus locked us all down, my days were pretty much solitary. With my hubby at work and our son grown and on his own for years, I very rarely see anyone else throughout the days but me, myself and I.
I have to admit, it doesn’t bother me nearly as much as it used to.
And yet, lately, it has.
Maybe it’s because the choice was taken away from me. I mean, as an author, alone time is a much-needed necessity to work on my craft, but at the same time, just the thought that someone is telling me that I cannot leave my house, or that even months down the road my freedom to move about will be curtailed, drives me a little stir-crazy. And if I, a solitary loving creature by nature, am going nuts at the thought of possible future-lockdowns, what must the extroverts be going through!
This November there will be an election like no other election, and Christian, I have some questions for you.
Do you value your freedom to Worship?
Do you value the life of the unborn?
Do you value the traditional God ordained family unit?
Do you value the right to free speech?
I’m not going to tell you who to vote for, but I am going to encourage you to do some research. Put down the anger and stubbornness that marks what the world is currently preaching. Stop voting according to whatever party you were raised in. Don’t believe the lie that as a Christian we should have no part in our government’s election process. Put aside the hatred for a particular candidate, because, beloved, God has not called us to hate.
This election is critical for our religious future.
Yes, God can move mountains, but that doesn’t absolve us from being wise with our support for the government we live under. We are God’s hands and feet, after all, chosen by God to reach the nations with His redeeming Gospel. We have a duty, a responsibility, to vote according to the principles that God supports, and beloved, I can tell you with certainty that God supports life, liberty and justice for all.
Do some research. Listen to what the candidates are saying, but also take note of what they are doing, or not doing. What policies are they promising? What direction do they want to take our nation? What have they done in the past to either help, or hinder, the work of God in this nation? Go beyond your personal distaste for a candidate’s public persona and dig deeper into the issues, because, beloved, that is where the rubber meets the road.
No man, or woman, is perfect, but it’s not your job to elect the person. Your job, dear Christian, is to elect the policies that undergird the person and best reflect the standards, that as a Christ-follower, we claim to live by. It’s your responsibility to vote according to God’s principles, period. There is no middle ground.
Our religious freedom is at stake. Don’t believe me, just turn on the news. It’s time Christian…it’s time to vote as if your life depends on it, because in 2020, it does.