Don’t Judge Before Having All The Facts

Have you ever met someone who is a know-it-all? How about a busy-body? It often seems like there’s someone spouting off their opinions, or meddling in other’s business, under every rock you turn up! Sometimes getting to the bottom of things can be kind of tough, and forget about trying to make a clear decision with such muddled information.

In Proverbs, chapter eighteen, the Bible gives us three basic principles for making sound decisions.

1) verse 13“He who answers before listening – that is his folly and his shame.”

So basically, this verse is telling us to get the facts before answering someone who’s spouting off their knowledge. If you jump in without knowing what you’re talking about, you’ll look like a fool.

2) verse 15“The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, the ears of the wise seek it out.”

Another way to say it is, don’t be afraid of new ideas. Being open to learning new things, or new ways of doing things, will help you in the long run when you need to make tough choices.

3) verse 17“The first to present his case seems right, till another comes forward and questions him.”

This is a biggie. Don’t make a judgment, or decision, until you hear both sides of the story. A lot of fights or misunderstandings can be avoided simply by listening.

While these principles are pretty basic, they are crucial to making sound decisions in our lives. And, they all involve seeking more information before making a judgment, or a decision, in a situation.

It can be a challenge, but the only substitute is prejudice – which is judging before getting the facts.

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