God is Not Obligated to Put Up with Our Sin

There is nothing sweeter than being in a close relationship with God.


God is not obligated to put up with our sin.

Yes. Jesus died on the cross for us. He paid the ultimate price to cleanse us of our sin. But…

We still have the choice.

We can choose life, or we can choose death. We can choose to seek God, to live by His holy standards…or we can mix a little of the world into our daily walk with Him and fool ourselves into believing we will still make heaven our home.

That’s right. I said it.

Christian, I’m talking to you.

You are in danger of being left behind when Jesus returns.

You are.

As long as we live by worldly standards, putting ourselves first and stuffing God in wherever we can fit Him, our relationship with God is on rocky ground.

Yes. God is a God of mercy. He is loving and forgiving, and all of that. But He is also Holy, Righteous, and does not tolerate willful sin.

Christian, you cannot deliberately and repeatedly sin and still expect God to look the other way.

I know, it’s not a message that we are comfortable with. People tend to believe that ‘once saved always saved’ is the gospel truth, but in reality, it isn’t. Just look in the Bible. There are clear warnings that yes, Christians can backslide and lose their first love.

The key is…are we seeking God? Are we striving to put Him first, in ALL areas of our lives? Are we actively engaged in serving God the way He wants us to serve Him?

Or are we holding tight to sin while keeping God on the back burner as a safety net?

2 Chronicles 15:2 says this…”Listen…the Lord is with you when you are with Him. IF you seek Him, He WILL BE found by you, but IF you forsake Him, HE WILL forsake you.”

So. What can you do?

Examine your heart, dear Christian. Test your walk with God. Ask yourself the hard questions. Daily seek God, putting Him first, and forsaking the sins that you love so much.

Eternity is at stake.

Do you really want to take the chance?
