God Will Meet You Where You Stand.

God Will Meet You Where You Stand. @KathyWereb.com

This weekend was amazing. Nearly 300 women coming together to worship God, to fellowship, to spend time with not only each other but with Him.

God spoke to me in so many ways it’s going to take me a few days, or weeks, to sort it all out. Not so much in a loud spectacular way, but quietly, just sweet whispers from my Abba Father that fed my spirit.

Some of what He told me were revelations, meant to develop the change needed to grow closer to Him. But a lot of it was just sweet whispers of confirmation, just my Daddy telling me how much He loved me, and was proud of me, and to keep standing.

Only God knows how much I needed this weekend.

Ladies, fellow women of God, it doesn’t matter what church you call home, if you are feeling dry, overwhelmed, exhausted, or just needing a bit of fellowship, I encourage you to come to next year’s Women’s Retreat. If you’ve never experienced it, there’s nothing else quite like it!

God will meet you where you least expect Him to, and when He does, it’s life-changing. You don’t have to do anything special, He will meet you where you stand.

I know photos can’t do the experience justice, but please take a moment to scroll through! Be blessed!

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