Hello 2019…12 New Chapters, 365 Chances to Make This Year Count!

Well, we did it. The pages are written, there’s nothing left to say…for good or for bad it’s time to close the book on 2018.  

I feel accomplished, somehow, like I just put another notch on my 48 year old belt. Was every day good? No. Did I fail to do some things I wanted to do? Yes. But did I have adventures, and love, and a whole mess of God’s blessings in between?  Yes…yes I did.  

And that’s good enough for me to gently shut the door, turn the lock and throw away the key…and say…  

Hello 2019!  

I’m excited about your prospects 2019, eager to discover just what God has in store for me while He turns the pages of my life. Just think, we have 12 new chapters to write in this book called life. That’s 365 chances to live, and love, and learn.  

Every day will be a new beginning, a new chance to discover God’s will for my life, a new opportunity to grow and bloom under Heaven’s watchful eyes. What blessings do you have in store for me? What trials await my step? What lessons are waiting to be learned?  

‘The Lord says…“But forget about the past-it is nothing compared to what I’m going to do! For I’m going to do a brand-new thing. See, I have already begun! Don’t you see it?”Isaiah 43:18-19  

I see it, Lord, I see it, and the opportunities are endless and without limit and full of wonder. I’m excited to welcome you 2019…let’s turn the page and make new memories together.  

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