Hey Christian…You Need To Be More Like Nathon’s Truck.

My friend Nathon has a truck.

But it’s not just any truck.

It’s tiny. The steering wheel is on the right side. It’s unique. There isn’t another one like it on Front Street.

Every day I watch countless people stop to marvel at it. They get up close, peer inside to check out the steering wheel and the tiny cab. They talk about it in excited tones, waving their hands and exclaiming their amazement at its existence. They even snap photos standing next to it, which, I’m sure, are ending up on their Instagram profiles with copious amounts of hashtags.

His truck stands out. You can’t miss it.

And I can’t help but wonder…what is there about my life that stands out? What makes me different from the run-of-the-mill crowd? Do people even notice that there is a difference?

Because they should.

You see, I’m a Christian.

As a Christ-follower, I’m supposed to be the “salt and light of the world.” I’m not supposed to be so bland and in sync with the world that my life doesn’t register a blip on the heartbeat of the world.

I’m supposed to stand out. I’m meant to be noticed…different…unique. My life is meant to be lived as a living testimony to the world around me of the One I serve.

If my Christianity isn’t noticeable, then what’s the point of calling myself a Christian?

What about you?

Does your life reflect Christ, or does it mirror the world?

Because, dear Christian, if we truly are serving Jesus, then we must be more like Nathon’s truck.
