It’s Time to be Quiet and Let God be God, because Honestly, We’re Just Along for the Ride.

It's time to be quiet and let God be God, because honestly, we're just along for the ride.

So it’s been a little over a week since I returned from the Arizona Women’s Retreat, and I’ve just got to say, I am still mulling over what God spoke to me while there. Some of it is as clear as day, but then, some of it is slowly being revealed to me in layers of memory and insight. I’ve been spending some much needed time in prayer sorting through my emotions and trying to figure out my purpose, and honestly, I have to say that I do wonder quite often just where I fit into God’s grand scheme of life.

In doing so, I am forced to just be quiet and let God be God.

Can I be totally transparent here? It really shouldn’t take a retreat to bring me to this point, but sadly, it seems to be the only way that God can snap me out of myself long enough to actually speak to me.

My life is busy and full. It may not seem like it, since I have no children at home and I don’t work outside the home, but life can still be challenging. You know what I mean? Church. Family. Writing. Friends. Cleaning the house. Just to name a few.

Rinse and repeat. Again…and again. Sometimes it seems like a daily struggle to just fit God into my life, but here’s the thing that smacked me at the retreat…

God doesn’t fit into my life.

I fit into His.

Isaiah 55:8-9 sums it up perfectly. “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.”

Let me say it again…I fit into God’s plans, not the other way around.

God’s knowledge and wisdom are so much greater than my own. His plans and thoughts so superior to mine. He knows the beginning and end of my life, so why do I think that I can just live my life the way I want to and He’ll be okay with the five minutes or so that I carve out to spend with Him? God cannot, and will not, fit into my life. Not on my terms, anyway.

I have to fit into His. If I want to experience a full relationship with Him, then I have to be willing to truly say, “Not my will Lord, but your will be done.” I can’t stuff God into the mold that I created and expect Him to be okay with that. He deserves so much more than that.

It’s His plans. It’s His purposes. It’s His will for my life that I need to follow, not my own. I have to be quiet and let God be God, because honestly, I’m just along for the ride.

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