I had the beach to myself this morning.
The entire beach.
For about two hours.
It was just me and the ocean and lots of sunshine. I couldn’t believe it! Do you know how rare it is to have an entire beach to yourself for that long in Maui?? Yeah, virtually unheard of.
So there I was, happily plucking sea glass and little shells out of the waves rolling onto shore, when I happened to glance behind me.
And there it was. Scrawled across the ocean side of the concrete walkway in large white chalky letters…Charles Schwab Sucks…
Poor Charles Schwab.
I don’t know what he did to earn such signage, but I have to admit, I felt bad for the guy. I’m sure, though, he has no idea that someone hates him enough to scrawl his name on a random ocean walkway in Maui.
And that’s the point, I suppose.
Just as Charles Schwab is blissfully unaware of the hate sign bearing his name, and is living whatever life he is living without worrying about who would hate him so much, then shouldn’t I, as a Christian, do the same?
Let’s face it, people are people. Some people will like me, and some people won’t. Some people will praise me, and some people won’t. Some people will accept my Faith, and some people won’t. But in the end, does it really matter?
My people-pleasing nature says it does, but honestly, it really doesn’t.
Not when I have God.
I know this might be upsetting to hear, but it has to be said. Other people’s opinions don’t matter. What they think of me, how they view my life, doesn’t amount to a hill of beans.
God’s opinion matters.
Only His.
So I want to say thank you to the person who scrawled the hate sign across the walkway this morning. Even though you might hate Charles Schwab enough to randomly vent your anger at him in such a pointless way, your efforts weren’t wasted after all.
You reminded me that as a Christian, the only opinion that matters is God’s. The rest is just broken shells and empty sand being washed away with the tide.