My Imagination Used to Get the Better of Me…I Miss It.

My imagination always gets the better of me.

Even now I have several stories running through my mind of all the “what ifs” and “what could happen” types of thoughts. Mixed into all of that are the “damsel in distress” scenarios – I am always the damsel – and it’s a wonder I used to get anything done at all.

But recently, I’ve found myself floundering.

Here’s the thing…I know that I know that I know that our move to Maui at this time in our lives was orchestrated by the hand of God Himself.

Finding an apartment, getting jobs within days of being here…too many ‘circumstances’ and happenings to name…all proof that we are where God wants us to be.


I’m floundering in this new season of my walk with Him.

Writing, the ability to tell a story in a cohesive way, has been a staple in my life. Writing has been my therapy, my best way of expression…really, it’s been almost like prayer in written form.

And now I’m adjusting to an entire new way of life, and for the first time in years working outside the home in a job that I love, but with so little time left after spending the extra with God and the hubby that for the first time in a long time I am struggling to put pen to the paper.

Honestly, my soul aches.

I miss that exchange, the flow of my imagination turning into thoughts, that turn into words, which glide effortlessly onto the paper. I long for the thrill of discovery, the moment a hidden gem of a phrase is unearthed, a sentence carefully crafted that brings me delight.

My imagination used to get the better of me.

And I miss it.

I know. It will get better. It always does. God is faithful. He always brings me back to the calling He gave me. And I am so thankful that even now in my season of uncertainty and inability to organize my thoughts, He is there for me.

But in the meantime, as I adjust to this new chapter in my life, dear friend…

THANK YOU so much for adjusting with me!

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