NaNoWriMo’s End and What’s Ahead

It’s December 1st!

Wow. Where did the time go? Doesn’t it seem like it was just yesterday that we were looking forward to the coming year, and here we are now at the end of it.

If you remember from my last newsletter I was attempting to try NaNoWriMo again. I’m including the final video here for you to see how I did. (If you want to follow my complete journey you’ll find the other videos on the channel)

Also, in the video are a few updates as to what’s going to happen in the next few months. I’ll go ahead and *spoil* it for you here. I’m going to be taking a break from YouTube and Social Media for the months of December and January.


Because I need a break, and also, need some time to work on a few changes I want to happen in the New Year. Here is a list of what I’m trying to get done:

  • Set Up a Merchandise Store (done!! Be the first to check it out!)
  • Research and Implement Alternate Publishing Venues (other than Amazon)
  • Create a Slew of New Book Ads
  • Redesign / Order Business Cards
  • Set Up a Store on My Website
  • Order Book Copies for Purchase from My Website Store
  • Create Jewelry and Set Up Store to Sell It
  • Write a Complete 5 Book Series!!!

As you can see I have quite a lot to tackle over the next two months! I don’t know if I’ll get it all done, but boy is it going to be fun to try.

Now, even though I’m off YouTube and Social Media for two months, I do plan on keeping you informed in the meantime. So please expect one or two or more Newsletters while I work on my list.

Talk to you soon!!

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