How Can I Be ‘Joyful Always’ if I Can’t Even Hang onto Happiness for a Day?

What is your definition of joy? I want you to think about it for a moment, get it firmly settled in your mind before reading the rest of this post. Got it? Good. Let’s move on. I think most of us define joy as happiness. I know I did. I thought if I’m happy, I’ve… Continue reading How Can I Be ‘Joyful Always’ if I Can’t Even Hang onto Happiness for a Day?

Is God Happy with His Living Space?

Don’t you love a new house? There’s just something enticing about taking over an empty space and making it yours. Pictures on the walls placed just so. Comfy furniture where you can relax and unwind after a long day of busyness. Space to play, or read, or just do nothing but stare at the ceiling… Continue reading Is God Happy with His Living Space?
