New Year…Same Channel…Big News! Welcome to 2021!

Welcome to 2021! It’s nice to say that, isn’t it? I am sooooo done with the year 2020. Thank you so much for your patience with my time off, but today I am back and eager to share the new year with you! Check out the video below and let me know what you think,… Continue reading New Year…Same Channel…Big News! Welcome to 2021!

What if the Responsibility for What Happens in Our Life is Not Solely Dependent on God’s Actions, but Ours?

It’s that time of the year again. We are five days into the New Year and many of us are already struggling with those pesky resolutions. In the face of imminent failure many of us turn to God and demand, “Okay God, it’s a New Year. I’ve done my part, made those resolutions, now it’s… Continue reading What if the Responsibility for What Happens in Our Life is Not Solely Dependent on God’s Actions, but Ours?
