Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?

Why yes…yes I did. Christian, do us all a favor and shut up once in a while. I know, I know, what you’re saying is important. I understand that you’re just speaking Truth, telling it the way it is. And I completely support the message, but, do you ever stop and listen to yourself? Last… Continue reading Did You Just Tell Me To Shut Up?

Stop Telling Me to ‘Speak the Truth in Love’ When What You Really Mean is ‘Don’t Tell Me Truth at All’.

What do you think of this meme? On the surface, it seems okay, pretty PC by the world’s standards, but what is it really saying? It’s obviously a modern take on John 13:35, and for the most part, I agree with it. And yet, I have to wonder, just what message was the creator of… Continue reading Stop Telling Me to ‘Speak the Truth in Love’ When What You Really Mean is ‘Don’t Tell Me Truth at All’.
