An Update, A Confession and an Apology…of Sorts

Good morning! Happy Sunday and all that good stuff. As many of you might have noticed, the blog is a little late today. In fact, many of you might have thought there wasn’t going to be one at all. Honestly, I thought that as well! But, in the end, I just couldn’t let the day… Continue reading An Update, A Confession and an Apology…of Sorts


Ever have one of those days when your brain just packs up and says, “See you later, I’m going on vacation”? Yep. You guessed it. Today is that day for me. You might be asking, “What does voting, fasting, Halloween, and writing have to do with each other?” Well, let me assure you…NOTHING, they have… Continue reading Voting…Fasting…Halloween…Writing…Huh??
