
The world is busy, isn’t it?  So much to see and do, to accomplish and conquer, that sometimes I can feel overwhelmed by it all.  A typical day involves non-stop movement from the moment my eyes pop open in the morning until late at night when I finally fall exhausted in my bed, and even that’s not a guarantee that I’ll find some much needed rest.  

Humanity, as a whole, is plugged in and online 24/7.  We have gadgets and gizmos galore, from the latest cell phone to the best computer money can buy, and every one of them is clamoring for our attention.  With all of these demands on our time and attention it’s no wonder that we can’t seem to find any rest.  

I don’t know about you, but I’m tired.  Not just physically tired, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually drained as well.  There are days when it’s hard to get out of bed simply because it feels like I just went to bed an hour ago!  And then I get cranky, and whiny, and most definitely not at my best.  And it’s in these moments that I have to remember something important.  

Jesus said in Mark 6:31 – “…come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”  

Jesus took time to rest.   

And let’s face it, He was busier than I could ever dream of being!  And yet, he found, no, made the effort to carve out time to rest because He knew that was the only way He could continue to function at His best.  He needed to spend quality time with His Daddy, time to unwind from the stresses of the day, and just rest.  

And to be honest, that’s where I stumble.  

Solitude and time for reflection is necessary, a vital part of the Christian walk, and you would think that I would get that, wouldn’t you? And for the most part, I do…well…I think I do. And yet I struggle with making the time to rest. I’m plugged in to all the little distractions of my life so tightly that I forget to snuggle up to my Daddy and simply rest in His presence.  

I have to remind myself that unplugging doesn’t mean I have to go through these giant, grandiose schemes and plans. Sometimes it’s simply stepping away from the computer, or the television, or putting down the phone and picking up my Bible, finding a quiet corner of the house to tuck myself away with God, and rest in His embrace.  

The good thing is that I am still learning this walk of Faith, and to be the best person I can be, to be at my best, I simply need to “unplug” and let God give me rest.

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