What Does Surrender Look Like to You?

A friend of mine just asked this question on Facebook and it stopped me for a moment, made me pause and think. Something that I rarely seem to do, you know. Just think. Life is so very busy these days, and the world seems like it’s falling apart, but sometimes I need to stop, get off the roller coaster, and just sit with God and think. So what does surrender look like to me?

I’d like to share the answer I posted with you…

Surrender looks like letting go of what I thought my life would look like by now. I turned 50 last year (can’t believe I’m even saying that! šŸ¤£) and honestly this was not the life I had ‘planned’ out for me.

I had some pretty lofty goals when I was in my late teens, early twenties…but as the years snaked by and my life filled up with unexpected twists and turns, moments of intense heartache and overwhelming joys, I still clung to those dreams. But I’ve recently realized that my dreams are definitely not what God had in store for me.

I have this crazy, sometimes overwhelming, most of the time beautiful life that I never once dreamed I would ever have. Today, I can honestly say, how thankful I am that God did not leave me to MY plans!

So friends, can I ask you…in 2021 what does surrender look like to you?

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