Do you have a mirror? I’m positive you do. They are an important part of our daily lives, after all. They come standard issue with every bathroom. We women tote them around in our purses. We buy extra mirrors as wall decorations and even have them on little flaps in our cars.
So, how is reading God’s word like looking into a mirror?
A mirror is a reflection of who you are. It reveals not only your beauty, but your flaws as well. God’s Word is the mirror of our souls. God’s Word tells us who we are, not just on the inside, but who we are deep inside where no one else can see.
The thing is, sometimes what we see isn’t so pretty. The deep things, the things we cover up to make us look presentable, are revealed in the mirror of God’s Word.
That’s probably why so many of us don’t dig too deeply into the Word.
Instead, we barely skim the words and let the minister of our church tell us what they mean. We let others crack open the Bible and satisfy ourselves with reading a daily verse here and there. We rely on maintenance instead of doing the hard work of letting God’s Word dig deep and change us.
I know, for myself, when I ignore God’s Word I’m like the man in James 1:22-25. I primp and preen, polishing myself up for the world to see, but all the while I ignore the deeper issues. I forget who I am. Instead of admitting that I am flawed and need help, I struggle to be the reflection of God that the world needs.
You see, it’s a hard thing to do, but so very necessary. Avoiding God’s Word makes it easier to ignore Him. It makes it easier to live my life by my own terms. I become my own boss. I make the rules up as I go because I have nothing else to base them on.
But here’s a secret.
While viewing myself in the reflection of God’s Word demands change in my life, it’s a beautiful change, because in the mirror of God’s Word I find the freedom to live my life with Christ.