7 Roles in Scripture a Dad Needs to Hear

In today’s culture Dad’s, and men in general, seem to get the short end of the stick. Society has ‘dumbed’ down the role of fatherhood…kids are always smarter and women can do everything a man can do, but do it better. In the wake of the anti-men ‘me too’ movement I’ve heard a lot of guys ask just what’s the point?

The point is this…Men, you are not the bad kid who gets sent to the corner, you have a vital and important role in God’s kingdom. So if you’re in doubt, here are 7 roles in Scripture that every Dad would be wise to follow.

1 ) Teach Them (Proverbs 22:6)

As a father you have the awesome responsibility and joy of teaching your children…not the school or the government. It goes beyond tying shoes or cleaning behind their ears. Dad, you help shape their morals, character, and give them the tools they will need later in life to be productive members of society.

2 ) Be Their Example (Proverbs 20:7)

Dad, do you want your children to be honest? Then be honest. Do you want your children to be polite? Then be polite. Remember, children are reflections of their parent’s, either for good or for bad. Be the example of the Godly life that you pray your children will have one day.

3) Provide for ALL Their Needs (1 Timothy 5:8)

It’s not just about the money. Yes, Dad, you should be providing food, shelter, etc…but do you realize that your kids need more than financial security to thrive? A kind word, praise even when it’s not deserved, forgiveness, admitting you were wrong, loving and accepting them for who they are and not what you want them to be goes a long way in creating healthy children.

4) Don’t Forget to Discipline (Proverbs 13:24)

God requires you to discipline your children, not to teach them who’s boss, but to correct bad behavior before it becomes a part of their character. Children left to their own devices grow up without clear understanding of right and wrong and little direction in their lives. Don’t be afraid to discipline, your children will be better for it.

5 ) Quick to Forgive (Luke 15:20-24)

Your kids will mess up. They will fail, and sometimes, fail miserably.  It happened to you and will happen to them. A father should always be ready to forgive, without strings or conditions, and accept the ‘prodigal’ back into his arms. Dad, don’t give up on your children, they need you to be the example of forgiveness and redemption that one day Jesus will be to them.

6) Practice Prayer (1 Chronicles 29:19)

Dad, do you pray for your children? If not, I encourage you to begin today! Your children need to know that their father cares enough about their souls that he will spend time on his knee’s before his Heavenly Father praying just for them.

7) Be a Father Like God (Ephesians 6:4)

Father’s can either make, or break, their children. How? By being unfair, unreasonable, unjust or over-demanding in their parenting style. Dad, be careful how you raise your children. If you’re in doubt of just how to do it, think about God’s parenting style. God is patient, understanding, loving, caring, compassionate, and so much more! God the Father doesn’t rule his children with an iron fist, so neither should we.

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