Negative People Do What Negative People Do…So How Do I Deal With That?

I don’t surround myself with negative people. I don’t. Case in point… Years ago we were attending a church and there was a woman there that I got to know. She seemed sweet, but we weren’t really friends, just acquaintances. So like I normally do on social media I accepted her friendship request and although… Continue reading Negative People Do What Negative People Do…So How Do I Deal With That?

Finding Rest on the Edge of Exhaustion

I am tired. Actually, my weariness borders on the edge of exhaustion. From the moment I get up in the morning until the time I finally lay my head on my pillow, I am on the go. It’s not always physical activities, but with the nature of my writing schedule it’s more often than not,… Continue reading Finding Rest on the Edge of Exhaustion

God Doesn’t Set a Timeline on Grief, so Christian, Why Should You?

A few years ago someone close to me, someone that I thought I could trust with my whole heart, turned her back on me. But not only that, this person enlisted the help of someone else in my life, and together they began a systematic attempt at destroying my credibility, my reputation, my friendships, and… Continue reading God Doesn’t Set a Timeline on Grief, so Christian, Why Should You?

I’m Getting Tired of the Past Telling Me How to Live My Future

I am more than my past. It’s hard sometimes as I walk out my Faith, because I know who I am. Every shortcoming, every failure, every past mistake sits right there on my shoulder and screams for attention. I tell myself that this is the way I am, that I am the sum total of… Continue reading I’m Getting Tired of the Past Telling Me How to Live My Future

Whoa…Tone it Down Grumpy Christian, a Bad Day isn’t the End of the World

Have you ever had a bad day? I mean a really truly bad day, where from the moment your eyes popped open in the morning until you lay your head to rest at night everything and anything that could go wrong went wrong? I’ve had a few of those, well, actually, more than a few!… Continue reading Whoa…Tone it Down Grumpy Christian, a Bad Day isn’t the End of the World
