Yes. It’s true. I had a heart attack.
On June 15 I was sitting in my office at work and the next thing I knew I was headed to the hospital. It was terrifying and painful, but thankfully God pulled me through and I’m still here today.
The biggest thing I learned from this is that I can’t live a stressed life. As a Christian, I know that I’m supposed to lean on Him, but I don’t always do that. Sigh.
While I loved my job, it was a lot of stress! Especially when the upper management weren’t quite as supportive or helpful as they should have been. So the Hubs and I talked it over and we decided it would be better for me to quit the job, take some time off, and just breathe.
Which means we are moving! Since I was the Property Manager, the apartment we are in comes with the job. We have to be out by this Monday. So please pray for us! Living in Maui is expensive, and affordable housing is hard to find, and with a mere two weeks to move we haven’t found a new place yet. So we are putting stuff in storage and going camping!
Check out my YouTube channel in the coming weeks, I’ll be posting footage from our beach camping adventures!
So, that’s my news and life change stuff. Now, on to the writing…
Due to my health scare, I am slowing myself down and not putting myself on a deadline. I need to destress my life and want my writing to be fun, instead of frantic.
That being said, I am still working on Loved in Lahaina. This should, hopefully, be the final draft! It might be out in time for Christmas gift-giving season, but again, I’m not rushing.
My Fantasy series is at the plotting stage!
I recently took Author Brittany Wang’s PSR class (Published Series Roadmap) and it was awesome! If you are interested in publishing a series, you HAVE to check it out – https://authorbrittanywang.teachable.com/courses
“But Kathy, I thought you wrote Romance?” you might be asking.
Well, I do. But I’ve always wanted to write a fantasy novel, and this series just sort of fell into my lap. Literally. I had a dream, and when I woke up it was all I could think about. After a week of thinking/dreaming I decided to write it all down, and wouldn’t you know it but a complete series emerged!!
I haven’t announced the Series Title (or anything else about it) anywhere yet, but I think you all deserve it.
It’s going to be called “A Hero’s Journey” and it will actually be a 3 Series Saga, with 5 novels in each for a total of 15 novels by the time it’s finished! And, I already have a spinoff book idea for a Prequel. I’m so excited!!
It’s basically a spoof on the Hero’s Journey writing outline. There’s going to be a Hero who doesn’t want to be one, a Sidekick who is tired of side-kicking, a spoiled Princess who causes all sorts of problems, and a Barmaid whose past may be the key to solving their quest.
In the coming months I’m going to be sending out a newsletter at least once a month, and I promise to keep you updated.
Also, please think about becoming a part of my team! I’m going to need an ARC Team ( in return for providing an honest review you will receive an Advanced Reader Copy ), a few Beta Readers ( helping me to keep the book error free ), and some other things I’ll mention at a later date.
If you’re interested in helping with anything, please email me at KWerebDesigns@kathywereb.com and let me know. I’ll put you on the list!
I think this covers my looonnnggg absence nicely. Have a great rest of the month and I will talk to you in August!