Building Your Faith…One Friend at a Time

Do you have friends? I’m sure you do. Most people have friends. Some have had friends from childhood, others are quite new in our lives, but all in all building friendships can be healthy and helpful. But what I bet you didn’t know was that friendships can either build up, or tear down, our Faith.… Continue reading Building Your Faith…One Friend at a Time

Grace On a Sunday Morning

Sitting in church on a Sunday morning, watching people filter in, makes me wonder at the grace of God. I’m a people watcher, a by-product of my naturally shy personality, and I do admit that I’m happiest when sitting off alone obscurely watching the world around me.  You can learn a lot by quietly watching… Continue reading Grace On a Sunday Morning

Sheep are Followers…the question is, “Who are they following?”

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  – Psalm 23:1 Sounds familiar, doesn’t it? Many of us learned this verse as children, reciting it as we scribbled in our fluffy sheep outlines with our crayons in Sunday School class, taking comfort in the simple fact that God will take care of us like a… Continue reading Sheep are Followers…the question is, “Who are they following?”
