Do you have friends?
I’m sure you do. Most people have friends. Some have had friends from childhood, others are quite new in our lives, but all in all building friendships can be healthy and helpful. But what I bet you didn’t know was that friendships can either build up, or tear down, our Faith.
A friend, or the people we hang out with, can have a profound influence on us, often in very subtle ways. Because we were designed for friendship, we often become sponges and soak up the attitudes, beliefs, and customs of those we hang with until one day we are doing what they are doing, or speaking the way they are speaking. Its human nature, we want to fit in so we adapt to our surroundings.
That would be fine if our friends are whole-heartedly serving God, but if we insist on maintaining friendships with those who mock what God considers important, or are loose with their morals, or act like a Christian in church but live like the devil the rest of the week, we are in danger of sinning by becoming indifferent to God’s will.
Now, I’m not saying that we should immediately run out and cut off everyone who is struggling in their Faith lest they become a bad influence. What I am saying is that we need to examine our friendships closely, test them against God’s word, and be willing to give it up if their influence is taking us away from God rather than toward Him. If we are willing to sin, or compromise our morals, in order to keep a friend, then is that friendship really worth the cost?
The question we need to ask ourselves is this; “Are my friends building up my faith…or are they tearing it down?”
A true friend will build our Faith by encouraging us to draw closer to God, not hinder our relationship with Him by tearing it down.