Dear God…Are You Still There?

The nation of Israel had a bad habit. It was one that they struggled with throughout the centuries, and often, still struggle with today. Even though they have history written down, recorded for them to learn from, the Israelites were stubborn and often refused to change their ways. They routinely forgot about God. And if… Continue reading Dear God…Are You Still There?

God is Not Obligated to Put Up with Our Sin

There is nothing sweeter than being in a close relationship with God. But… God is not obligated to put up with our sin. Yes. Jesus died on the cross for us. He paid the ultimate price to cleanse us of our sin. But… We still have the choice. We can choose life, or we can… Continue reading God is Not Obligated to Put Up with Our Sin

Don’t Let Your Good Deeds Hide Your Broken Heart

Who are you? I mean really, deep down, who are you at your core? Are you kind, generous, loving…or mean, selfish and easily angered? And how would you know anyway? Most of us are a mix of good and bad qualities, so generally we tend to think of ourselves as the good part and forget… Continue reading Don’t Let Your Good Deeds Hide Your Broken Heart

Maybe It’s Not God’s Fault…Did You Ever Think Of That?

What would you do if you’re spouse ignored you? Or made no effort to get to know you, or spend time with you? What if they expected you to do everything in the relationship, but made no effort themselves? Yeah. I’m going to go out on a limb and say that most of these one-sided… Continue reading Maybe It’s Not God’s Fault…Did You Ever Think Of That?

Christian, this November, vote as if your life depends on it… because in 2020, it does.

I spend a lot of time alone. Even before this crazy virus locked us all down, my days were pretty much solitary. With my hubby at work and our son grown and on his own for years, I very rarely see anyone else throughout the days but me, myself and I. I have to admit,… Continue reading Christian, this November, vote as if your life depends on it… because in 2020, it does.
