Dad, What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

At the end of Lot’s story in the Bible, we find him living in a cave with his two daughters. Poor, destitute, he has nothing to show for his life but ruin. His wife is dead. The city he had lived in destroyed. His riches…gone. Once respected but now reduced to cowering in fear, the… Continue reading Dad, What Legacy Will You Leave Behind?

7 Roles in Scripture a Dad Needs to Hear

In today’s culture Dad’s, and men in general, seem to get the short end of the stick. Society has ‘dumbed’ down the role of fatherhood…kids are always smarter and women can do everything a man can do, but do it better. In the wake of the anti-men ‘me too’ movement I’ve heard a lot of… Continue reading 7 Roles in Scripture a Dad Needs to Hear
