What Was Paul’s Problem With Women Preachers?

The following scripture has been, over the decades, the single most used verse in the Bible to keep women from stepping outside of what many think is the God-ordained roles in the Church body. In 1 Timothy 2:12, Pauls says this…”I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man;… Continue reading What Was Paul’s Problem With Women Preachers?

Some Might Say the 10 Commandments Are No Longer Required…I Wonder if They Asked God His Opinion on the Subject.

So, I read an article recently about a megachurch ‘pastor’ who says the Ten Commandments no longer apply to modern-day Christians. Dear friends, if you are attending a church where this type of belief system is being preached from the pulpit..don’t walk…RUN out the door and never look back. The Bible says in 2 Timothy… Continue reading Some Might Say the 10 Commandments Are No Longer Required…I Wonder if They Asked God His Opinion on the Subject.
