The Church, The Government, and the Coronavirus…Learning from the Past Can Strengthen Our Faith.

A few days ago Todd Starnes shared an article about churches becoming nervous about having to temporarily close their doors in the face of the Coronavirus.  Now, the article wasn’t written by him, but he did add this comment, “Let’s just hope and pray the temporary bans don’t become something else…” That’s it, that’s all… Continue reading The Church, The Government, and the Coronavirus…Learning from the Past Can Strengthen Our Faith.

What if the Responsibility for What Happens in Our Life is Not Solely Dependent on God’s Actions, but Ours?

It’s that time of the year again. We are five days into the New Year and many of us are already struggling with those pesky resolutions. In the face of imminent failure many of us turn to God and demand, “Okay God, it’s a New Year. I’ve done my part, made those resolutions, now it’s… Continue reading What if the Responsibility for What Happens in Our Life is Not Solely Dependent on God’s Actions, but Ours?

Making the Journey…Why it’s Important to Slow Down and Savor the Nativity.

I love setting up the Nativity scene every Christmas. Such a beautiful reminder of God’s plan and purpose for my life. And yet, I’m always a little perplexed by the inclusion of the three wise men. Honestly, they don’t belong there. So I either leave them in the box or set them up on the… Continue reading Making the Journey…Why it’s Important to Slow Down and Savor the Nativity.

Can You See the Glory in the Story?

Step away from Christmas. No. Really. Put the decorations and the cards and the plans and the preparations down, step back, and take a deep breath. Tune out and let yourself relax, because sometimes we just need to step away from Christmas in order to really see it. The Christmas story is as familiar to… Continue reading Can You See the Glory in the Story?

When Worship Breaks Out

It’s time to stop putting God in a box. He just doesn’t fit. It’s time to stop waiting to praise until we’re in a building. There is no pause button on worship. Worship is more than an event at your local church. Worship is deeper than following words on a screen. Worship was never meant… Continue reading When Worship Breaks Out
