Hello September…

Pumpkin spice lattes, warm apple strudels, long walks on the beach and the ocean breeze is blowing … Hello September!

I’m happy to be in it!

There are some big things coming, and I want you – my faithful newsletter readers – to be the first to know about them!


My progress on Neptune’s Folly has stalled. It’s not because I’m not excited about it, because I definitely am, but I just have been struggling to make the time to actually write it.

I have realized, somewhat painfully, again, that I am a procrastinator of the largest kind! haha … sigh

I’m hoping to pick it up again soon because I am in the process of rearranging my priorities to make writing the BIG one.

Also … I have an announcement that is going to change everything! Stay tuned … it’s going to be somewhere in this letter!


Just a quick note on island life. The swells have been huge so not as much beach time as I’d like, but the days I do get there it’s wonderful!

We have a few new restaurants on Maui! Chick-Fil-A and Cane’s Chicken are open for business, and it won’t be long until Sonics Burgers will join them! The hubby and I are stoked! And sometime next year a Wendy’s will be appearing near the Cannery Mall! So excited!


So, I’m thinking about deleting my Facebook Author Page. It’s not that popular, and I often forget to post to it. What do you think?

I’ve been posting mainly on Instagram of late, and that is where I get the most attention, so I’m thinking of focusing on that venue.

Once I get my procrastination under control, I am going to be posting more often on YouTube. I will have 2 new videos this week. The first will be a planning video (already posted) and an update video (going up the same day this newsletter goes out). Please check them out at the YouTube link below.


I am so excited I am going to bust! So I wanted you to be the first to know…

If you’ve watched my videos I’ve been mentioning a coffee shop mystery series I am planning. Well, it’s more than planning … it’s in the works!

It’s going to be a cozy mystery series with at least 8 books (I’ve got titles and synopsis’ already!!) The series is based on a local shop here in Lahaina, and the owners have graciously consented to me using their logo and likeness for the books!

Here’s the exciting part … I have tentative dates planned for the pre-order – November 1st – and the publish date – December 1st!

I will be revealing the series title as well as the cover and 1st book title in October, and you will get the first look. I’m also going to host a BIG pre-order party on YouTube to celebrate, with games and prizes, so stay tuned!!


As if that wasn’t enough, I am finally branching out from Amazon!

To ring in the New Year I have plans to publish the e-books on other sites, such as Nook and Apple Books! This is going to be HUGE for me and I can hardly wait to get started.

I do have to wait until my books are unenrolled completely from Amazon’s KDP program, but once that’s done I will be working to get them ready for the other sites!

Woo Hoo! So excited!


I know this went a bit long, and I thank you for your patience, but I wanted to once again remind you to check out my newest YouTube videos.

Also, if you would like to be on an ARC team (getting to read a copy before it’s officially ‘out’) please pop over to my website and send me a message with the subject line “ARC TEAM” and include your email address. Once I’m ready to get it started I will send out an email with the full details.

Anywhoo… that’s just about it for the day! Have a blessed rest of your afternoon!
