NEVER Forgotten is HERE!

Happy August 1st!

Summer is winding down, kids and parents are prepping for the upcoming school year, and the second book of my NEVER Forsaken Trilogy is finally here!

Here’s the blurb from the back of the book:

Lizzie, feeling left out and overlooked, falls in with the wrong crowd, but will her choices lead to her salvation or her destruction? Maddie, unsure about where she fits in God’s plan, struggles to be the best at everything she does, but will she end up a failure no matter how hard she tries?

Two friends, both struggling to come to terms with past mistakes and failed expectations, each missing the other but unable to reconnect, will be faced with choices that will either tear them apart or bring them back together.

NEVER Forgotten is a story of despair and hope, loss and love, betrayal and forgiveness. It is a story of testing the boundaries of friendship, and finding out just where we fit into God’s plan.

It’s available on Amazon in both Kindle and Paperback. You can purchase it HERE.

I would also like to extend an invitation to join me TONIGHT at 6:30 p.m. for an Online Book Release Party on Facebook. You can find the link for that HERE. Follow the link, ask to join, and then show up tonight for some fun! There’s going to be a game, trivia and an opportunity for one person to win an autographed copy of both NEVER Forsaken and NEVER Forgotten!

Can you do me a favor? Spread the news and share this post with your friends and family! I would greatly appreciate it!! THANK YOU!

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