I Do Not Think That Scripture Means What You Think It Means

“Don’t be concerned only about your own interests, but also be concerned with the interests of others.” Philippians 2:4 (gwt)   “Hmmm…wait…what???  Is the Bible really telling me what I think this scripture is saying?”– we might be asking ourselves right about now.  But before we jump for joy at the prospect of being all… Continue reading I Do Not Think That Scripture Means What You Think It Means

Check the Facts…Your Faith Depends On It

Anyone who knows me knows that I love genealogy. Some might even say that I’m obsessed with it. But, I don’t know, there’s just something about digging around in old records and history that is supremely satisfying to me. I love piecing together the lives of my ancestors, and each new discovery is not only… Continue reading Check the Facts…Your Faith Depends On It
