An Open Letter to Everyone Protesting the Death of George Floyd…

Look at you. Standing there with your Molotov cocktail, boot lifted to kick in another window, screaming for justice while tearing down the city with your own bare hands. Using a man’s name to justify destroying another man’s livelihood. Your mother would be so proud. What happened to George Floyd was wrong. It was senseless… Continue reading An Open Letter to Everyone Protesting the Death of George Floyd…

Dr. King’s Dream is Dying…Does the World Even Care?

Sorry, I just don’t feel the need to write another blog about celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream of equality. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I truly do believe the man was articulate, brilliant, and more than qualified to teach what he taught. I agree with his dream of living in an America where… Continue reading Dr. King’s Dream is Dying…Does the World Even Care?
