In 2021 I Want To Know…Just What Does God Expect From Me?

What does God expect from me? As I shake off 2020 and move into 2021 this is the question that weighs the heaviest on my mind. Not what the world expects, or my family expects, or even the annual making of a resolution to force me into what I want to be. But what, exactly,… Continue reading In 2021 I Want To Know…Just What Does God Expect From Me?

It’s Time to be Quiet and Let God be God, because Honestly, We’re Just Along for the Ride.

So it’s been a little over a week since I returned from the Arizona Women’s Retreat, and I’ve just got to say, I am still mulling over what God spoke to me while there. Some of it is as clear as day, but then, some of it is slowly being revealed to me in layers… Continue reading It’s Time to be Quiet and Let God be God, because Honestly, We’re Just Along for the Ride.
