Tag: Kathy Wereb Author
Negative People Do What Negative People Do…So How Do I Deal With That?
I don’t surround myself with negative people. I don’t. Case in point… Years ago we were attending a church and there was a woman there that I got to know. She seemed sweet, but we weren’t really friends, just acquaintances. So like I normally do on social media I accepted her friendship request and although… Continue reading Negative People Do What Negative People Do…So How Do I Deal With That?
The Problem With Following Popular People
Who’s your favorite inspirational teacher? Is there a popular evangelist, author, preacher, speaker, blogger, artist or person in today’s world that you really admire? Whose advice do you follow religiously? Can I ask why? Why do you admire them so much? Is it because they look good? Is it because they speak what you want… Continue reading The Problem With Following Popular People
Procrastination, Motivation and the BIG Bucket of Blogs
What Does Surrender Look Like to You?
A friend of mine just asked this question on Facebook and it stopped me for a moment, made me pause and think. Something that I rarely seem to do, you know. Just think. Life is so very busy these days, and the world seems like it’s falling apart, but sometimes I need to stop, get… Continue reading What Does Surrender Look Like to You?