The Truth About Garbage

“Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:2 – My mom had a saying, “Garbage in, garbage out”. Such truth in such a little phrase! Dealing with depression, negativity, doubt, irritation, frustration, etc…? Our minds are like sponges, they soak up the things we watch, the things we read, the things… Continue reading The Truth About Garbage

Living Unpredictably

I’m a pretty predictable person.  I don’t like surprises throughout my day.  Instead I prefer the steadiness of a routine, knowing what’s ahead is far more exciting than not knowing, being prepared for what the day brings is much more satisfying to me.  Let me just say, the unpredictability of life is not always so… Continue reading Living Unpredictably

When Worship Breaks Out

It’s time to stop putting God in a box. He just doesn’t fit. It’s time to stop waiting to praise until we’re in a building. There is no pause button on worship. Worship is more than an event at your local church. Worship is deeper than following words on a screen. Worship was never meant… Continue reading When Worship Breaks Out

Ziklag is Burning

I’ve been in Ziklag too long. Years spent wasted as I burrowed into my comfort zone. Driven here by the need to hide from the world, I don’t even really remember just when I laid the first brick, it’s been that long. I built Ziklag with each hurt, with each rejection, with each wrong motive… Continue reading Ziklag is Burning
