Ever have one of those days when your brain just packs up and says, “See you later, I’m going on vacation”? Yep. You guessed it. Today is that day for me.
You might be asking, “What does voting, fasting, Halloween, and writing have to do with each other?” Well, let me assure you…NOTHING, they have absolutely nothing to do with each other outside of this post. But that’s okay because today while my brain is on vacation I’ve decided to just ramble.
Our first topic of the day is this…
Do you realize that in just 10 days America will be electing our next President? Wow. It’s come up so fast. Now, I’m not going to belabor you with who you should vote for, but I am going to say this…If you are a Christ-follower your vote had better reflect Christ’s principles. Don’t vote your emotions, or opinions, and don’t vote for the guy as if it’s a popularity contest. God’s not interested in the outward packaging, He’s interested in what’s going on on the inside, just as we shouldn’t be caught up in the personality, but the policies the guy will put in place once elected.
Which leads me to my second topic…
Pastor Franklin Graham has dedicated today as a day of National Prayer and Fasting. You don’t have to fast food if you can’t, but there are other ways of fasting. Be creative, and spend the day focused on asking God to move in our nation and in the upcoming election, because folks, this election is critical to our religious freedom. Don’t think so? Then look at what’s happening in places like New York and California, where churches and Pastors are facing fines for attending church and Jewish people are having the police show up at their homes if they are suspected of having more than 10 people gathered. We need God in this election, and that means we need God’s choice for our nation, not ours. We need to pray that God will put someone in as president who will uphold our religious freedom, preserve the life of our unborn children, and help us to keep America free from tyranny and socialist agendas.
This third topic is kind of fun…
Are you celebrating Halloween? Are you not celebrating Halloween? Whichever way you go, please remember, have some grace on those who are doing the opposite of what you are doing. It’s nobody’s business but yours and God’s whether you dress up and beg for candy or stay at home and read a book. Really, it’s true. But for those of you who are determined to get a little judgy on October 31st, let me leave you with this little gem of a thought…If you are participating in a ‘fall carnival” or “trunk-or-treat” at your local church, where it involves getting dressed up in a costume (this includes Bible characters) and handing out candy or playing games, you ARE celebrating Halloween. If you are participating in a church-sponsored “Haunted House” to evangelize your community, you ARE celebrating Halloween. Think about it, let it sink in, you’ll get what I’m saying.
Finally, our last topic of the day…
I’m doing something crazy this year. I mean, CRAZY!! For us writers/authors there’s something that occurs every year, and it can bring out the crazy in all of us. The month of November is known as National Novel Writing Month, or fondly known as NaNoWriMo. This is a big deal guys. There’s a website, prizes (I think), groups, a winning t-shirt, and a whole bunch (I mean hundreds or thousands) of authors who participate in writing 50,000 words in 30 days.
Let me repeat…50,000 WORDS IN 30 DAYS!!
It’s not just any words. Its words that create a coherent story, the beginning of a novel, a place to start, and for the first time, I will be among the horde of writers who will be participating! Can I just say that I am beyond excited! Oh, I’d also appreciate a prayer or two, because I really, really want to write all 50,000 words.
So please, next month, if you see me somewhere random staring off into space, fingers twitching, with a glazed look in my eye, just back slowly away and do not engage. I am plotting, and folks, you might just end up in the mix!