We Will Never Forget…

Where were you when the towers fell?  

I was sleeping.  

The phone rang and my husband went to answer it. It was his father. He yelled at me to come to the living room, to watch the television, his hand still held the phone as he switched it on. We watched in horror, disbelief, as the first plane hit the tower…we were still numb when the second plane hit the other tower. I remember thinking it couldn’t get any worse, then we found out about the Pentagon. The day passed in a blur of numbing emotion, we cried, we tried to make sense of what was happening, and in the end, we could only fall to our knees in prayer.  

It’s hard to imagine that today marks the 17th anniversary of the day the towers fell.  

Do you remember?  

I only ask because it seems that today’s world is bent on whitewashing history, and dear friends, this is one history lesson we must never forget. 2,996 people died in the attacks, and more than 6,000 were injured.  What happened that day touched every nation, and changed the world.  

We must never forget the ones who died so senselessly, the ones who died saving others, and yes, we must even remember the ones who perpetrated such an act of hatred. All of them were made in the image of God (Gen. 1:27), and all of them mattered to God (John 3:16), regardless of what they did or did not do, God loved them.  

We must never forget.  

So dear friend, would you take a moment, just a moment from your day, to stop and reflect on what happened the day the towers fell? When your children ask you why you are crying, will you tell them? Will we remember those we lost?

We must teach our children that yes, there is bad in the world, but there is much that is so much better. Evil does not win in the end.   

Say a prayer for those left behind, for the families still grieving the loved ones lost, for the world still reeling from the pain, and know that God loves you, yes you.  

“And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow,  nor crying…no pain, for the former things have passed away.” Rev. 21:4

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