I’ve been in Ziklag too long.
Years spent wasted as I burrowed into my comfort zone. Driven here by the need to hide from the world, I don’t even really remember just when I laid the first brick, it’s been that long.
I built Ziklag with each hurt, with each rejection, with each wrong motive and hidden fear. It wasn’t supposed to be a prison, it was supposed to be a place where I could rest. But it became too familiar, too easy to hide that I almost lost the ability to leave.
But Ziklag is burning and I am free.
For the first time in years I can see past the horizon of my doubts and insecurities. The light from the flames are illuminating the path that God is calling to me to follow. The crunch of the broken walls beneath my feet a testimony to just how much God loves me.
You see, He didn’t leave me there in Ziklag. He came to the edge of my city and called my name. He knew that Ziklag was never meant to be a place to live, it was never His best plan for my life.
While I was waiting for God He was waiting for me.
I don’t know what the future holds, but with each step that carries me away from the smoking rubble of my self-imposed prison, I know that whatever God has planned ahead for me is so much better than what lies behind me. So I drop the torch I’m holding and turn away.
Ziklag is burning.
And I am free.
Reference: 1 Samuel 27: 5-6 / 1 Samuel 29-30