Book Release – My Prayer Journal

What is Prayer? To put it simply, prayer is having a conversation with God. It doesn’t have to be fancy, planned or thought out. It doesn’t require special equipment or postures. All prayer needs to be effective is you and God spending some time together hashing out life. Whether it’s a quick call for help… Continue reading Book Release – My Prayer Journal

Eight Words that Changed My Life

When our son was about seven months old we were told he had Hydrocephalus, otherwise known as ‘water on the brain’. It was obvious that something was wrong. His head was too large to fit through the necklines of his shirts so we had resorted to cutting them to get them on. His baby ballcap… Continue reading Eight Words that Changed My Life

How Do I Pray When Life Comes Against Me?

Are you experiencing grief in your life right now? Does it feel like your plans have been snatched from you? Is your life not what you expected? Are you struggling to catch your breath and keep your head above the water of dashed hopes and forgotten dreams? First of all…my heart breaks for what you’re… Continue reading How Do I Pray When Life Comes Against Me?

Why Quitting Those New Year Resolutions is a Good…No, GREAT…Thing to Do

In years past I’ve noticed that every New Year would bring dozens upon dozens of posts on social media about making New Year Resolutions. This year…not so much. In fact, it was hard to find any at all.   Did you have any resolutions? If so, can I ask, how are you doing with them?… Continue reading Why Quitting Those New Year Resolutions is a Good…No, GREAT…Thing to Do
