New Book Release Almost Here!

Hello family and friends! It’s been a long time coming, and for those of you who have patiently waited, I’d like to announce that the day is almost here! In just over 30 days, on August 1, the second book in the NEVER Forsaken Trilogy will be published! That’s right…NEVER Forgotten will be available on… Continue reading New Book Release Almost Here!

That Amazing Grace

Wow.  Are there any more powerful words than those? So true, so right to the point, so…convicting? Yes, I said convicting. When was the last time you really thought about the words to that famous hymn, took the time to meditate on them and let them wash over you with their anointing power and love?… Continue reading That Amazing Grace

7 Roles in Scripture a Dad Needs to Hear

In today’s culture Dad’s, and men in general, seem to get the short end of the stick. Society has ‘dumbed’ down the role of fatherhood…kids are always smarter and women can do everything a man can do, but do it better. In the wake of the anti-men ‘me too’ movement I’ve heard a lot of… Continue reading 7 Roles in Scripture a Dad Needs to Hear

The Cheap Side of Grace

God loves me…unconditionally and without reserve. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, that I can do that will change His love for me. I don’t deserve it…I cannot earn it. That’s Grace. Yet, Paul says in Philippians 2:12 to ‘work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.’ This means that I don’t get a free pass.… Continue reading The Cheap Side of Grace

Dear God…Why Do I Love You?

Why do I love God? A simple question, but one that is so profound.  I’ve recently found myself pondering this question, and others, in my heart. What are my motives?  Is my love for Him based on His actions?  His blessings?  What happens when His will doesn’t line up with mine, do I love Him… Continue reading Dear God…Why Do I Love You?
