Not Your Normal Happy Mom’s Day Post

Hey guys, can I be brutally honest here?

I tried, really tried, to muster up a witty, poignant, meaningful blog post on the beautiful journey of being a mom. So if you’re looking for words of flowery affirmation you might want to look elsewhere because it’s not happening with this post.

What I did come up with was this…

Life is messy. Parenting is even messier. There are great days, there are not-so-great days, and then there are days when you’re sitting in the bathroom at 2 a.m. trying to scarf down an entire box of Oreo’s before your kid gets out of bed. So what am I saying?

There are no perfect mom’s, so we might as well give up not only trying to find one, but trying to be one as well. I’m sorry to have to do this, but we might as well face the truth, the elusive and grandiose Proverbs 31 woman is a myth. She doesn’t exist…well, at least not in the way we think she does.

She’s more of an ideal, a conglomeration of what a perfect woman should look like. So don’t wear yourself out trying to imitate every single detail of her life, instead, let her be an inspiration to be all that you can be. There is no way this side of heaven that any woman could possibly, even remotely, attain the pinnacle of perfection this biblical woman represents.

Sometimes, I think, we, and the world around us, put a lot of unnecessary pressure on mom’s to be perfect. Take a step back and cut yourself some slack. Life is messy. Parenting is even messier. But God’s got your back.

Relax. You’ve got this parenting thing in the bag. Your kids don’t need the perfect mom, they just need you.

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