This Mother’s Day, if She Was Given the Chance, Just What Would Lot’s Wife Say to Us?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about Lot’s wife. We don’t know much about her because the Bible doesn’t go into great detail about who she is. In fact, she’s only mentioned a few times in the Bible (Genesis 19:15-16; Genesis 19:26; Luke 17:32) and not once are we even given her name. What we do know… Continue reading This Mother’s Day, if She Was Given the Chance, Just What Would Lot’s Wife Say to Us?

Not Your Normal Happy Mom’s Day Post

Hey guys, can I be brutally honest here? I tried, really tried, to muster up a witty, poignant, meaningful blog post on the beautiful journey of being a mom. So if you’re looking for words of flowery affirmation you might want to look elsewhere because it’s not happening with this post. What I did come… Continue reading Not Your Normal Happy Mom’s Day Post
