Dressing Up The Sludge In Our Lives Won’t Help With Being Thankful

When I turn my faucet on I expect fresh clean water to come out. If, instead, the water comes out brown and sludgy, would replacing the faucet fix it? No, probably not. You see, the pipes and knobs aren’t the problem. The problem with the water is deeper, something that would require a plumber to… Continue reading Dressing Up The Sludge In Our Lives Won’t Help With Being Thankful

I’m Getting Tired of the Past Telling Me How to Live My Future

I am more than my past. It’s hard sometimes as I walk out my Faith, because I know who I am. Every shortcoming, every failure, every past mistake sits right there on my shoulder and screams for attention. I tell myself that this is the way I am, that I am the sum total of… Continue reading I’m Getting Tired of the Past Telling Me How to Live My Future

The Day that Changed My Life

When I was in the 3rd grade I tried to take my life. Downing an assortment of pills, I expected to go to sleep and cease to exist, but all I got for my efforts was a massive headache and confirmation that I was truly a failure. Bullied at school, ignored at home, my childhood… Continue reading The Day that Changed My Life

The Cheap Side of Grace

God loves me…unconditionally and without reserve. There’s nothing, absolutely nothing, that I can do that will change His love for me. I don’t deserve it…I cannot earn it. That’s Grace. Yet, Paul says in Philippians 2:12 to ‘work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.’ This means that I don’t get a free pass.… Continue reading The Cheap Side of Grace
